How To Be an Extraordinary Student In The Class

How To Be an Extraordinary Student In The Class

Becoming a successful student involves cultivating various essential qualities and adopting effective habits.


The journey through academics and productive learning can be a complex one, demanding an array of fundamental skills. These skills range from setting clear objectives and ensuring regular class attendance, to mastering efficient note-taking techniques, maintaining organization, and promoting active engagement. This article serves as a comprehensive resource, providing practical advice on crucial aspects like wise time management, recognizing when to ask for help, keeping motivation high, developing self-discipline, and looking after your overall health.

Each section of this guide explores a unique skill, elucidating its importance and offering concrete steps for its application in your educational journey. The aim of this guide extends beyond improving your academic performance; it strives to promote a balanced and wholesome approach to learning and life. Regardless of whether you are a secondary school student or an enthusiast of lifelong learning, these strategies will be indispensable in your quest for knowledge and accomplishment.

Below are some valuable tips to help you on your journey to becoming a good student:

1. Establish clear goals
1. Establish clear goals

1. How to Establish Clear Goals for Study?

Establishing clear goals for study is essential to maintain focus and motivation. Begin by identifying your objectives and clarifying what you want to achieve. Ensure that your goals are specific and measurable, and break down long-term goals into smaller, manageable short-term goals. Set goals that are realistic and attainable, and prioritize them based on their importance. Write down your goals and create an action plan with actionable steps to guide your study process. Regularly monitor your progress, keeping track of completed tasks and milestones. Stay motivated by celebrating milestones and acknowledging your accomplishments along the way. Clear goals provide a sense of direction and purpose to your study, enabling you to optimize your efforts and make the most of your learning journey.

2. Attend classes consistently
2. Attend classes consistently

2. Attend classes consistently:

To attend classes consistently and avoid irregularity, it is important to prioritize attendance and create a schedule that allows for dedicated class time. Utilize reminders and be punctual to maximize your learning opportunities. Actively participate in class discussions, stay organized, and manage your time efficiently. Seek support from classmates and communicate with instructors if you are unable to attend. Stay committed to attending classes regularly, keeping your long-term goals in mind. By following these steps, you can maintain focus, optimize your learning experience, and establish a strong academic foundation.

3. Develop effective note-taking skills
3. Develop effective note-taking skills

3. Develop effective note-taking skills:

Developing effective note-taking skills is essential for retaining information and maximizing learning. To do so, it’s important to come prepared by reviewing the material beforehand. Choose a structured format like the Cornell method or outlines to organize your notes. Actively listen during lectures, focusing on key information and summarizing it in your own words. Use abbreviations and symbols for quick writing. Highlight and emphasize important points, and regularly review and organize your notes. Incorporate visual aids, utilize technology tools, and personalize your notes with insights and questions. Practice and adapt your note-taking techniques to fit your learning style. By developing these skills, you can enhance understanding, retain information effectively, and improve your academic performance.

4. Stay organized
4. Stay organized

4. Stay organized

To stay organized in your study, note-taking, and lectures, it is important to establish a study routine, utilize a planner or digital calendar, create a dedicated study environment, and take organized and concise notes using a structured format. You can also consider exploring digital note-taking tools for efficient organization and retrieval of information. Label and file your notes, and make it a habit to regularly review and revise them to reinforce your learning. Additionally, keep track of assignments and deadlines, actively participate during lectures, and leverage online resources to supplement your understanding. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your organization, optimize your learning experience, and effectively manage your academic responsibilities.

5. Actively participate
5. Actively participate

5. How to Actively Participate in Class?

Actively participating in class is essential for engaging with the material, deepening understanding, and contributing to a dynamic learning environment. Steps to active participation include reviewing materials beforehand, asking clarifying questions, contributing insights and examples to discussions, actively listening to the instructor and classmates, taking detailed notes, participating in group activities, respecting others’ opinions, connecting the material to real-life examples, seeking feedback, and reflecting on your learning. Active participation enhances learning, fosters critical thinking, and contributes to a collaborative and meaningful learning experience.

6. Manage your time wisely
6. Manage your time wisely

6. Manage your time wisely:

To manage your time wisely, begin by setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks based on their importance. Develop a schedule that allocates specific time slots for various activities and break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. Avoid procrastination and minimize distractions to maintain focus. Explore time management techniques and consider delegating or outsourcing tasks when appropriate. Learn to say no to activities that don’t align with your priorities, and make self-care a priority by taking care of your well-being. Regularly evaluate and adjust your time management practices for ongoing improvement. By implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage your time, increase productivity, and achieve a healthier work-life balance.

7. Seek assistance when needed
7. Seek assistance when needed

7. Seek assistance when needed:

Seeking assistance when needed is essential for personal and professional growth. To seek assistance effectively, it is important to recognize the need for help, identify the appropriate person or resource, and clearly communicate your request or problem. Approach the individual or resource with politeness and be receptive to their feedback and suggestions. Take action based on the recommendations provided and follow up as needed. Express gratitude for the assistance received and consider offering help to others when the opportunity arises. Remember that seeking assistance demonstrates strength and a commitment to learning and growth. Effective seeking of assistance enables you to overcome challenges, gain fresh perspectives, and foster your personal and professional development.

8. Maintain motivation

8. Maintain motivation:

Maintaining motivation consistently can be difficult, but there are strategies to help. Start by setting meaningful goals and breaking them down into smaller steps. Connect with the deeper reasons behind your goals to stay motivated. Create a visual representation of your goals using a vision board. Maintain a positive mindset by focusing on your progress and showing self-compassion. Seek inspiration from mentors or role models and introduce variety into your activities. Prioritize self-care to recharge your energy and track your progress to stay motivated. Surround yourself with supportive individuals and be patient with yourself during periods of low motivation. By consistently applying these strategies, you can cultivate a resilient and long-lasting sense of motivation.

9. Cultivate self-discipline
9. Cultivate self-discipline

9. Cultivate self-discipline:

Cultivating self-discipline is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. To develop self-discipline, set clear goals, establish a routine, break tasks down, practice time management, build self-control, embrace challenges, practice mindfulness, stay committed and persistent, seek accountability, and celebrate milestones. By implementing these strategies, you can develop self-discipline and achieve success in various areas of your life.

10. Take care of your well-being
10. Take care of your well-being

10. Take care of your well-being:

Taking care of your well-being is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life. Prioritize self-care, manage stress, maintain a healthy lifestyle, establish boundaries, cultivate supportive relationships, seek professional help when necessary, practice mindfulness and gratitude, and regularly assess and adjust your approach. By prioritizing your well-being, you can lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.


Remember, becoming a good student is an ongoing process that necessitates dedication and effort. By embracing these habits, you will be well on your way to achieving academic success.


To summarize, effective learning involves a sophisticated sequence of steps that goes well beyond simple rote learning. This involves various crucial elements, from setting clear goals to attending classes regularly, active involvement, and efficient note-taking skills. Additionally, it’s about time management, reaching out for support when required, keeping your motivation levels high, fostering self-discipline, and most importantly, prioritizing your holistic wellness.

Collectively, these methods act as a guide for a fruitful academic journey, enabling you to maximize your learning experiences. It’s worth noting that these skills aren’t confined to the academic setting. When consistently practiced, they can propel you to succeed in different areas of life.

Learning is a continuous process, and so is the application of these strategies. They demand regular practice and adapt as you grow. By incorporating these methods into your lifestyle, you’ll find yourself transforming into not just a successful student but a well-rounded person with an enduring zeal for learning and self-improvement.

Embrace these methods wholeheartedly, continuously polish them, and remain receptive to the ongoing voyage of learning and personal development. Your dedicated efforts will bear fruitful outcomes, setting the stage for a satisfying academic journey and a gratifying life.

Debating the Well-being of Indian Muslims: Finance Minister’s Population Growth Argument and Its Implications

Debating the Well-being of Indian Muslims: Finance Minister's Population Growth Argument and Its Implications


The treatment of Muslims in India has been a matter of global concern for some time now. Recently, Nirmala Sitharaman, the country’s Finance Minister, made an unexpected statement during a conference in Washington. She argued that the portrayal of Indian Muslims by Western media is not entirely accurate, citing the fact that their population has increased since India gained independence in 1947. However, her argument seemed out of place and did not address the well-documented persecution of minorities, including Muslims, by the current government. The Hindu nationalist government has a history of denying criticisms and manipulating public opinion. Despite this, Sitharaman’s statement suggests a new approach that may have concerning implications. This article delves into the evidence behind Sitharaman’s claim, examines the situation for Muslims in India, and covers topics such as their representation in parliament and access to education and healthcare.

Indian Finance Minister Challenges Western Media’s Portrayal of Muslim Situation

A high-ranking Indian official has recently made an unexpected statement regarding the well-being of Indian Muslims. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, speaking at a conference in Washington, argued that the situation of Muslims in India is not as negative as it is portrayed in the Western media.

To support her claim, she pointed out that the Muslim population in India has grown since gaining independence from British rule in 1947. This argument seemed out of place when presented to a foreign audience, as it seemed to be an attempt to counteract negative stories about the mistreatment of Muslims in India.

The Controversial BBC Documentary on Anti-Muslim Violence in Gujarat and Its Implications for India’s Current Political Climate

A recent BBC documentary, which provoked strong reactions from the Indian government and led to its removal from YouTube and other platforms, highlighted a confidential British evaluation of anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat in 2002. At the time, current Prime Minister Narendra Modi served as the state’s chief minister.

The report directly implicated Modi in the attacks against Muslims. Since Modi’s rise to power, the persecution of minorities, including Christians and Dalits, has broadened in scope and severity, a fact that Sitharaman had difficulty refuting.

India’s response to criticism has often involved outright denial and manipulating public opinion using Hindu nationalist media. However, Sitharaman’s assertion at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington on April 10 took a different approach, with potentially concerning consequences.

How India’s Finance Minister’s Remarks on Muslim Population Growth Raises Concerns About Moral Principles and Treatment of Minorities

According to her reasoning, Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation should be grateful to their occupiers rather than resisting them, since their population is also increasing – in fact, at a much faster rate than Indian Muslims. If one were to apply the minister’s population growth theory to the Rohingya, Yemenis, or Afghans, we would have to reevaluate our moral principles to understand the apparent prosperity of those we thought were suffering from human-made hardships, yet whose populations continue to grow despite adversity.

Between 1990 and 2021, the population of Palestine grew from 1.98 million to 4.92 million people. In the case of Yemen, its population is expected to reach 34 million by 2025 due to a current growth rate of three percent, one of the highest in the world, despite the ongoing devastating conflict.


Addressing Hindu Right’s Concerns and Population Dynamics in India: Sitharaman’s Perspective

The Hindu right continues to express unfounded concerns about India potentially becoming an Islamic country. The opposing perspective would require similar modifications; for example, Switzerland and other European nations with declining populations might be considered impoverished.

India’s Finance Minister Questions Perceptions of Muslim Population Growth in India and Minority Challenges in Pakistan

During the meeting, Sitharaman reportedly discussed numerous topics, including a somewhat accurate portrayal of the challenges faced by minorities in Pakistan. She emphasized that India has the world’s second-largest Muslim population, which continues to grow. She questioned whether, if the Indian state were truly making life difficult for Muslims, the Muslim population would have experienced such growth since 1947.

It is worth noting that the Muslim population has grown slightly faster than the Hindu population. The 2011 census showed that Hindus made up 79.80% (966.2 million) of the population, Muslims 14.23% (172.2 million), Christians 2.3% (27.8 million), and Sikhs 1.72% (20.8 million). Experts predict that the rate of Muslim population growth will decrease in the next census, which has been delayed due to COVID-19.

Devendra Kothari, the former chairman of the national committee to review family welfare, stated that the next census would likely show a modest increase in the Hindu population share, rising to about 80.3% from 79.8% in the 2011 census. The Muslim population share, however, is expected to stabilize or decline. Kothari explains that even if Hindus ceased to have children and only Muslims reproduced, India would not become a Muslim-majority nation before 2170, based on simple mathematical calculations.

Debunking Myths: Special Rights, Population Growth, and Access to Resources for Muslims in India

Kothari asserts that Muslims could only surpass Hindus in population if the latter stopped having children entirely, which is highly unlikely and therefore improbable. Despite this, the Hindu right continues to express unfounded fears about India becoming an Islamic country. The growing Muslim population in India is a recurrent concern for Hindu extremists, who sometimes encourage Hindu women to have more children to prevent this possibility.

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath provides another controversial viewpoint, claiming that the Muslim population has increased because they have received special rights. But what special rights? The Sachchar Committee, established by the Congress-led alliance to evaluate the status of the Muslim community (considered heretical by the current administration), refutes allegations of Muslim favoritism with solid evidence.

There is a notable and significant negative correlation between the percentage of the Muslim population and the presence of educational infrastructure in small villages. Approximately one-third of small villages with high Muslim populations lack educational institutions. Additionally, around 40% of larger villages with significant Muslim populations do not have access to medical facilities.

Declining Muslim Representation in Indian Parliament: A Historical Perspective

Zoya Hasan, Professor Emerita at Jawaharlal Nehru University, highlights the fact that Muslim representation in the Indian Parliament reached a historical low in 2014. In the 1980 elections, nearly 10% of elected officials were Muslim, whereas in 2014, that figure dropped to less than 4% – the lowest percentage since 1952.

Furthermore, the number of Muslim legislators declined from 49 in 1980 to 23 in 2014, which was a decrease from the 30 members in 2009. This underrepresentation of Muslims is quite striking when considering that they make up 14% of India’s population. Based on their population size, there should be at least 77 Muslim MPs in the Lok Sabha, but there are only 23, resulting in a shortfall of 54 members.

However, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman could point out that Muslim representation in Parliament slightly improved in 2019, with an increase of three MPs, bringing the total to 27. This marginal improvement is something the Western world should not overlook.


The mistreatment of minority groups, particularly Muslims, in India has been an issue of concern both domestically and internationally. Sitharaman’s argument about the growth of the Muslim population may have been an attempt to counter the negative portrayal of their treatment. However, it fails to address the documented persecution of minorities under the current government. The government’s tendency to deny criticisms and manipulate public opinion has been an ongoing concern. This article has examined the evidence behind Sitharaman’s claim, explored the situation for Muslims in India, and discussed their representation in parliament, as well as access to education and healthcare. It is crucial to continue to monitor the treatment of minorities in India and hold the government accountable for their actions.

Syria’s Return to the Arab League: A Step Towards Reconciliation and Reconstruction

Syria's Reinstatement in the Arab League: Progress in Healing and Rebuilding

After a 12-year absence, the Arab League has finally readmitted Syria into its membership. Damascus was initially suspended from the organization due to the outbreak of the devastating Syrian civil war and Bashar al-Assad’s harsh suppression of the opposition. As the conflict evolved and Assad’s government, with considerable support from Russia and Iran, gained control, Arab nations chose to pursue reconciliation. Despite objections from countries such as Qatar, a major supporter of the Syrian opposition, and the United States, which questions Syria’s worthiness of rejoining the Arab League, the majority of Arab states are in favor of reestablishing connections with Assad’s government.

Originating from the Arab Spring uprisings, the Syrian civil war began as a popular movement against Assad’s authoritarian rule. The conflict quickly transformed into a sectarian battle, with extremist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS seizing control of the opposition and inciting violence against Assad’s minority Alawite community, which holds considerable influence in Syria. The war also carried geopolitical ramifications, as Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah sided with the government, while the US, Turkey, and the majority of Arab states backed the opposition.

Syria paid a heavy price during the civil war, with over 300,000 civilian fatalities and millions displaced, many of whom sought asylum in Turkey and Europe. The Arab League’s re-engagement with Syria, possibly spurred by warming Saudi-Iranian relations, strives to establish a lasting resolution to the civil war. This renewed engagement will enable Syrians to reconstruct their country and promote a democratic power-sharing agreement between the government and opposition forces. Furthermore, Arab states must actively denounce Israel’s persistent violations of Syrian sovereignty through countless airstrikes, many of which have targeted civilian areas.

The reintegration of Syria into the Arab League signifies a shift in regional dynamics and opens the door to potential collaboration and diplomacy among Arab nations. This step could lead to collective efforts in addressing the myriad challenges still facing Syria, such as the reconstruction process, the return of refugees, and the establishment of long-term political stability. The international community, particularly Arab states, must now work together to support Syria in overcoming the devastating aftermath of the civil war and forging a brighter future for its people.