eRozgaar is playing a vital role to eliminate poverty across Punjab Province.
eRozgaar is initiative of PITB which is working under the banner of the Punjab Government. It is one of the successful programs of the provincial government. It is estimated that they have trained more than fifteen thousand candidates.
The Programm is one of the successful programs of the Board. The main objective of the program is to polish the skills of unemployed youth; make them aware of the ways of online jobs. Many guys are earning handsome amount of money with little headache.
In November, this year, there was an interaction with one of the teams of eRozgaar in Lahore in the premises of UET. According to the attendees, the course is informative, well structured; and the staff is cooperative.
Twice a year, all the universities across Punjab export hundreds of thousands of youth with many certificates having minimal skills. What is the use of the degree if a student is unaware of the core values of life. The main goal of the institutions of Pakistan is on quantity, not on quality.
In Balochistan, the western province of Pakistan, the education standards are low. In most of the school, ghost teachers exist who only exist in government records.
Around the globe, teaching is a noble profession; on the contrary, in Pakistan, it is the most profitable business. The ones who don’t even know the basics of teaching open colleges.
To encapsulate, none of the programs can make a long-lasting impact without feasibility analysis, planning and practical implementation. Undoubtedly, e-Rozgaar is making a massive impact. It is an ideal project of the PITB. Sindh, KPK and Balochistan should also launch similar projects to bring opportunities to the youth.
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