On the September 27, 2019, Imran Khan was on seven day-long trip. He traveled the way to New York to raise the issue of Kashmir curfew.
In fifty minutes long speech, Imran Khan talk about four issues. First Climate Change, second Financial Crisis, third Islamophobiaweaker andactions most importantly, Kashmir Issue.
Firstly, Pakistan is in the list of top ten countries most affecting climate change and global warming. However, the share of Pakistan in Green House Gases is minimal.
Secondly, Mr. Khan point out financial crisis. The rich are becoming richer and the poor is getting poorer. Te International organization should take notice and form measures to mitigate this crisis.
There are a few radial groups in the world, which are the root cause of most terrorist activities around the globe. Those are not part of any religion. Therefore, Islam should not be criticized for there activities. Islam, is the name of peace.
Most importantly, Kashmir is facing lockdown since August 5th, 2019. The United Nations should resolve the issue. Khan said this is the test of the United Nations.
Quaid-e-Azam Library is situated in Lahore – the city of colleges. This library was established during the British Raj. the environment of the library is clean and peaceful. It is surrounded by trees and plants which make it human-friendly. Moreover, the library has a huge collection of books, a lot of peaceful space and computer labs.
The history of the library dates back to the British Empire. The building was constructed in the mid 19th century, during the Victorian Era, around 1986, the initial cost was Rs. 108000. However, after the division of the subcontinent, the government of Pakistan used this building for many purposes. In the early days, it was named Lahore and Mian Mir Institute. The building was also shared by Lahore Gymkhana Club. However, later in 1972, the club was shifted to Upper Mall and it becomes the academy for administrative training. Finally, on December 25, 1984, the President, General Zia-ul-Haq officially inaugurated the library and named it Quaid-e-Azam Library.
“If you read, you can learn to think for yourself.” – Doris Lessing
The library has a huge collection of books, magazines, manuscripts, newspapers, maps and charts; some of them date back to the Mughal era. This library has 125,000 collections of books. The library is well maintained, the management adds 2000 books each year. There are 17000 members enrolled in this library. Nearly, 19000 people visit annually.
Public walk-ins are not allowed in Quaid-e-Azam library. Only enrolled members are allowed to use the premises. There is a membership fee. The security fee is 500 rupees that are charged on time and are refundable. The annual charges are 300 rupees. These charges are for the general public; there is a discount offer for students. Outside books are not allowed in the library.
“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges
The library has two halls which are occupied by couches, tables and chairs. The government often organizes religious and cultural events. There are multiple computer labs in the library; the computers are equipped with Internet Students and researchers can freely access research papers and journals such as IEEE.
Above all, the everyday library has a huge influx of students, teachers, researchers and professionals. Some people go to the library for collaboration and to discuss with friends and colleagues. Sometimes, the library feels a bit congested place, however, it provides a lot of opportunities to the ones who want to explore the world by reading.
Pakistan is the 5th populist country in the world. Lahore as the capital of Punjab; everybody must visit Lahore for work, business or education. Health is the most important factor of a human being. Taking a breath in the atmosphere of Lahore bad.
Everybody is bound by its fate, no one can deny the facts or change his/her ethnicity; one must compromise one way or other. Lahore is the Third largest city of Pakistan and 15th largest city in the world. It has everything that one needed for his survival such as medical facilities, Government departments and educational institutes.
Traffic jam is on the main routes is everyday activity; the people of rural areas surrounding Lahore must face on their daily commutes. After eight hours of work being stuck in traffic, a blockage is equal to torture physically and mentally.
People of other political parties usually make fun of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) by saying “Mian Sahib ‘ik pul hor bnaa devo’. But as a rational writer, if all the work on the infrastructure of the Lahore was not done, Lahore would not be a livable city.
In conclusion, the lack of effective Sewerage system makes every street and road flood; a person must wait hours or switch his route in case of a little rain.
School plays a crucial role in forming the nation. It adds life-lasting impacts on the children.
In all parts of the World, east and west, parents send their children to school for their growth. The infant starts learning the moment he born, he tries to memories things, the faces he sees. When he grows up the parents send him in school. So that when he grows up he can live within a human being.
All schools do not provide quality education. Everywhere, a few schools are famous for there quality education. But, those schools are not affordable by common citizens. Sometimes, political influence is used to get into school. For example, MBBS admission.
“Elite class Education; only for Elite class.” -Waqas Gondal
When we look at the list of the leaders of the country or the bureaucracy of Pakistan. The major chunk is occupied by foreign graduates. Why it is so? The ninety per cent of the CSS aspirants are qualified from the institutes of Pakistan; however, the threshold of CSP’s is not like that.
In order to bring Pakistan in a developed nation, improvement in education is necessary. And this step must be taken from the grass-root level. There are 200 million children out of school at the primary level. How can anyone expect them to secure a good job in this community without education?
Lahore is famous for many things, and dacoity is one of them. The people of different parts of the world have heard stories about the cleverness of Lahories. However, for the novice or the ones who visit Lahore occasionally; often deceived here. No one can deny the fact, God made all of us equally. but, some of use it negatively. Before I came to Lahore, I often asked about Lahore, culture, people and the places to visit.
It is been a while, I have settled in Lahore to pursue my career in press. Daily I have to interact with a diverse range of people; who work in different departments and who speak their regional languages.
A few days ago, I bought a new motorcycle. I visit the petrol pump for fuel and asked to fill it up. Honestly, it was the first day, I parked it outside my residence. On the next day, in the morning, I was on my daily commute. My bike did not drove more than five kilometres when I checked my petrol gauge was on reserve and, the bike tank was empty.
Lahore is a congested city, thousands of people living in a town which is for hundreds. thousands of the people live under the bridges for shelter. They sleep on the footpath without any roof. This community exist in other cities. They usually ask for money and often involved in petty crimes. The government should also pay heed to the people of these communities. Having all said, we cannot blame the city for wrongdoings of people, but, we cannot hide the reality.
Kingdom Saudi Arabia (KSA), an Islamic State, is famous for their justice. KSA is famous for the judiciary. People come from different states for work. Their motive is to earn handsome amount of money for their family. Therefore, their family can live a happy life. However, some people cannot do that, not because of their lack of ability, but due to a cruel system.
The fate of Muhammad Imran had not allowed him to do so. He was one of them who wished for a prosperous life. But, he was beheaded in Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, she did not return the dead body to Pakistan. However, Islamic Justice System is not that cruel.
He was one of the many unlucky that detained in Saudi System. They did not allow him access to a translator, all the trial were held in Arabic which he neither can understand nor speak. This is the one story of Muhammad Imran. There are more around 7000 people in Arab Jails. The 3400 Pakistani are in only Saudi lockups. All the promises of Prince Muhammad bin Salman to Pakistan are baseless. During the trip to Pakistan he that Saudi Government will release two thousands of Pakistani prisoners which are rotting in Saudi’s Jails.
In the sight of the world, the relations between KSA and Pak are good. They are considered as allies. On the other hand, Pakistan has many friends, but she is not a good one. In short, Islam does not say to treat people inhumanly, but Arab’s are doing since their rule begins. They beheaded 24 Pakistani this year only which is more than another country.
The preparation of the Graduation Assessment Test (GAT) felt like a cumbersome process. The candidates don’t know, what to read and how to revise concepts to score well in GAT. The admission criteria vary from university to university, but GAT has assigned a major chunk in forming merit. So that GAT plays a vital role in forming the direction of the future.
The preparation of GAT is not about learning anything new, in fact, it is polishing your knowledge. A candidate needs to revise the required concepts in the shortest possible time. Things don’t happen overnight, learning is a steep process; but, with little effort, you can obtain 60-70 marks easily.
First, look for paper distribution, and assign time accordingly.
NTS Graduation Assessment Test paper distribution.
GAT includes three portions Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Reasoning.
Section 1: Verbal Reasoning
Sentence Completion
English Error Correction
Reading Compression
Verbal Reasoning is solely dependent on your comprehension skills. For GAT-A (General) this section has 35% weigh, which poses 5 types of questions Analogies, antonyms, sentence completion, English error correction, and reading compression.
Quantitative Reasoning is challenging for a few, but this is the portion where anyone can secure maximum marks. Look for elementary school books such as 7th or 8th standard and thoroughly go through it; above all, it shouldn’t take more than 3 hours. Another way is to search these topics on Google and solve some practice questions.
Age problem
Work & Time problem
Ratio and proportion
Median, Mode
Find the value of x?
Greatest possible value and smallest possible value
Angle and clock
Product of two numbers
Speed and distance
Profit and loss
General questions
Section 3: Analytical Reasoning
“Analytical reasoning refers to the ability to look at information, be it qualitative or quantitative in nature, and discern patterns within the information.” –Wikipedia
Analytical skills are essential in all fields of life. Practice makes a man perfect. The more you solve the test questions, the more chances are to succeed in the test.
This history of libraries dates back to ancient times. The main objective of libraries are access to the books. People travel hundreds and thousands of miles to acquire knowledge. However, after the introduction of computer and Internet technology; it is declining continuously.
Amazon Kindle, an e-reader, launched in 2000. This gadget helps in reducing the burden of heavy books. Therefore, a man can carry millions of books in his pocket.
Good leaders focus on the education. They educate their nation and enhance the skills of the labor force. As a result, the economy of the country flourish. The existing libraries are not maintained as they were. Certainly, they are not required anymore.
Above all, the main object of library is to provide books and space to read them. After the introduction of Web technology; it is totally changed. Students and researchers do not go there. They read books on their home with ease without any commute.
To sum up, e-libraries replaced the traditional libraries. Now a days, people can access everything over the Internet.
Thana Culture was formed in British Raj, to make stronghold on the people of the Indian Sub-continent. However, they were not successful after the First World War their role started declining. They suppressed the poor people of this region. After the division of the Indian sub-continent, it was asked that the constitution will be remain implemented until the nation creates its own constitution. Police ordinance 1861 is also one of them unfortunately, this remains implemented in Pakistan till 2001 without any reforms.
During the British Raj, they used Police as a weapon to suppress the poor to fulfill their demands, and tragically Pakistan did not pay heed to it. The poor are tortured in Police Stations and to ask them to acknowledge the crime that a person even did not commit. Back-to-back torture and fake encounters are heard in the news.
Recently, the Salahuddin Ayoubi arrested in the ATM theft case was tortured during the investigation and was killed by Police. After he retired was brought to the hospital. This is not the first or last case of this sort.
It’s been more than a year the Naya Pakistan established in federal and provincial (Punjab), the police department remains as it was. The brutal acts done in British Raj can be seen in Naya Pakistan.
This is not the only department that treats people inhumanly; other departments such as NAB also treat people like animals. In 2018, the Vice-Chancellor of Punjab University was brought in the hospital dead; with handcuffed. How civilized nations treat teachers?
Reforms in Punjab police are needed on an urgent basis. Chief Minister of Punjab took notice of this matter and summoned Inspector General to report the matter. It is hoped till the end of this year reforms in this department will be made.
Time is money, time is precious, and time is priceless. A man can re-earn his lost money but, spent time cannot be recovered. God gives everybody equal time; some people use it in productive activities and a few wastes in useless activities. Everybody gets limited time to fulfill his dreams so, people should use their time wisely. Its is said that no one is perfect, everybody wastes time one way or other. None of us can get rid of this habit completely; but the threshold can be reduced.
The importance of time can be seen in the life of a businessman. Meetings are arranged in timely manner; if a man misses the meeting, he would lose the deal. In case, a person wastes time on useless doings, the day will come when the finances of the person would below the seal level.
Time worth more than money. If you look at the life of a student, they must cover the syllabus in given time; afterwards, the assessment will be made. In case the pupil could not secure good grades or pass the exam, the child would not be able to fulfill his dreams. Moreover, it does not matter, how much talented you are if you cannot write the answer in given time.
Money is more precious than time; time management can help to bring efficiency in work. When we look at government and private departments, they work on given tasks according to assigned time. Let’s take an example of judiciary system. When the criminal cases are postponed, it is in the direct interest of criminal.
Having said that, time is more important than money. Neither money can buy happiness nor health. No one can deny the significance of time in person’s life. A person should spend time for self-development which leads toward happy and healthy life.